Entrance Considerations
All persons could self-check their own temperature at home before leaving for the studio and cancel if they have an elevated temperature .
If symptoms develop during a shoot the shoot is cancelled immediately and all are asked to leave.
Entrance is only allowed to a person free of Covid – 19 symptoms for 14 days.
A dated log of all persons and their mobile contact details using the studio should be kept by the studio to facilitate contact tracing if it becomes necessary .Everyone puts there name and phone number in book provided.
The entrance door will have a sign to indicate that a Covid -19 protocol is in place and in operation.
Floor decal will be present to indicate the distance of 2 metres.
Jackets and bags etc. belonging to photographers should be stored apart as much as possible.
Controls for Models
The model shall have a separate changing area to any photographers or staff .
The model will not look at the back of camera with the photographer.
The model will always maintain a social distance of 2 metre from photographers .
The model will not handle or adjust any lighting equipment at any time.
Thee model should provide his/her own outfits.
If the studio does provide clothes to the model these must be kept separate to all other clothes and props and not used again for at least 72 hours.(the virus can survive on a surface for up 72 hours depending on the conditions and the surface type)
If the model is bringing food/lunch it should be packed a separate box or single bag.
Always maintain good cough etiquette.
If a second shoot is to occur there should be at least one hour between shoots.
If a window is present it should be opened to improve ventilation between shoots.
Large contacted surfaces and used props should be wiped down after a shoot in the studio and the changing areas. A normal household disinfectant is sufficient or alcohol wipes.
Shoots involving two models in close contact should be avoided.
Controls for Photographers
Photographers to maintain a social distance of 2 metres from each other always.
Always maintain good cough etiquette. (cough into a tissue and dispose of it or cough into an elbow)
Photographer must always maintain at least 2 metres from the model.
Photographers are encouraged to use a longer lens to maintain a good distance from the model during the shoot.
If necessary, place small markings (which can be cloned out easily in post) on the studio floor to indicate the 2-metre rule from the shooting position.
Photographer shall not show the image on back of camera to the model or photographers.
Photographers who bring a food must do so as a pack lunch in a single box or single bag.
The number of photographers should be limited. Currently groupings of ?-person are allowed by government guideline.
Photographers shall not raise their voice as this will expels any aerosols further than speaking volume.
The photographer must not approach a model to use a light metre. Only the model should handle the light meter. It should be wiped done after the shoot.
Hand Hygiene
All persons must wash their hands immediately on arrival to the studio with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or an alcohol gel can be used. (on visible clean hands only)
All persons will regularly clean their hands during a shoot if longer than 1 hour.
Regular contact surfaces such as door handles should be wiped down at the end of each day and after each shoot.
Equipment uses
All equipment should be set up by one person only who has washed their hands before hand .
Only one person should adjust light stands and lighting equipment during a shoot .
Contact points (points which are normally touched) on all equipment will be wiped down after each shoot. A normal household disinfectant is adequate.
Use of Face Masks & Gloves
Face mask masks are only considered necessary (at present) if persons are closer than 2 metres for more than 15 minutes.
Gloves are counterproductive if not used correctly. If gloves are used and the user coughs into them or touches their face a lot should be replaced. It considered the regular hand washing is preferable to disposable gloves.
Good ventilation is considered a prudent control to avoid potential build-up of contaminated air in the room from a contaminated person who may not show any symptoms.
A period must be allowed between each shoot if different shoots occur on the same day
Good general housekeeping and cleaning should be maintained.
All surfaces likely to have touched should be cleaned after each shoot .
Soap and hot water will be provided in toilets and wipes to allow the user to clean the surfaces after use.
Floors should be washed regularly particularly if Photographers/models get on the floor.
The shooting area should be cleaned after each shoot.
MUA’s should not be used as they will be in close contact with the model for well over 15 minutes which is considered high risk and a mask is required.
If an MUA is to be used they should be in full PPE (disposal gown, medical grade masks and disposals gloves) Or similar to PPE used by hairdressers.